
Baccellieri wines – Authentic excellence of Calabria

Baccellieri wines – Dining with passion

There are some stories which roots dig deep down to the point that it becomes hard to re-discover their origins. The strength, the charm, the quality, Because only brilliance resists life’s challenges and the passing of time. Getting old and re-newing they find that lymph that we call sustainable progress.

Baccellieri wines
Baccellieri wines

This is how I found my self on the hunt for traces of Greco, the most ancient vineyard of Italy.

We are in Bianco, a small town with a population of 4245 people on the low part of the Ionic versant of Calabria. It’s name comes from “Calanchi”, limestone hills that surround the centre and that appeared to sailors from the sea like a white spot on the coast. Between these hills there are expanses  of vineyards that harmoniously endorse and elapse; transparent window that shows a deep love, cultivated with passion and dedication. The one of Mariolina Baccellieri.

Baccellieri wines
Baccellieri wines

Here the compass of economic profit at any cost, any where seems to have been broken, giving way to passion, guide of beauty and true goodness.

Baccellieri wines
Baccellieri wines

You should have seen her walk through her vineyard and listen to the way she described every splendid detail. “Look, those are two loquats trees that they wanted me to root out. And same goes for the pomegranates, pears, apples, figs, prunes or apricots. I will never! That’s why my Greco whine also has the scent of apricots! These sapling vineyards have lived centuries, look at the diameter. I was suggested to root out these as well and leave space for a more modern vineyard, easier to cultivate. Never.”

Baccellieri wines
Baccellieri wines

Almost 100 hectares that run through hills and lowlands around the town of Bianco; here, following the stages of the Sun, bergamot, olives ad mostly vineyards alternate. And what whine! Greco, Mantonico, Piroci, Siccagno.  Discover them by clicking Next >

Scritto da Vincenzo Girasoli

Una vita ad immaginare e costruire un futuro che non è mai stato così chiaro e limpido. Fatto di emozioni inesauribili alla vista dei colori che questo mio Paese sa ogni giorno regalarmi. Ho viaggiato, senza mai stancarmi, per poi fermarmi dinanzi al blu del mio Mediterraneo. Lì capire che qualcosa di grande e profondo, intenso e meraviglioso, stava accadendomi; e che non mi sarei mai più fermato. Tuffandomi in quel mare sapevo che non avrei più potuto tornare indietro. Al contempo sapevo che i brividi che mi percorrevano sarebbero stati i vostri. E che insieme avremmo corso sempre più veloce verso qualcosa di puro, autentico, genuino, felice. Qualcosa che con orgoglio chiamo Idressitalian.

Vini Baccellieri – Autentica eccellenza di Calabria

Intervista a Filippo Callipo detto Pippo – Orgoglio di Calabria